Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Second Acceptance in

and they've offerred me 25,500. Total.

So, in the scheme of things, not so much. I'd really rather go there than anywhere, though. It has many lovely points, such as
  1. co-op program
  2. focus on public service
  3. wouldn't have to move to Philadelphia, which, rumor has it, smells like pee and is near new jersey.
  4. could move out of my apartment, quit my job, and still not be homeless.
but I also don't want to be paying off student loans until I die. Which, theoretically, I'd do at Northeastern.

Temple is also higher-ranked than Northeastern. And has a trial advocacy program that is one of the best in the country. I'm visiting two weeks from yesterday. Just to see.

Still haven't heard from: Drake, Roger Williams, BU and Nebraska.

Let's hope for that nice thin rejection letter to come from BU tomorrow while I'm at work. And a nice, thick, hopeful package from Roger Williams the next day. And let's also hope that Drake doesn't give me that scholarship they invited me to apply for, because that would make it really hard not to go there.

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